Embedded throughout the module are many resources. For your convenience they are also all listed here. You can either view them organized by "Resource by Type" or "Resource by Section."
If you have a Google account, open your "Module Companion Guide" first. This is where you will keep your notes and reflections as you work through each module.
As you are prompted to open your own copies of Google items, hyperlink your copies into your Companion Guide for ease of finding all of your personalized copies. Some items will be used in multiple modules.
There is also a PDF version of each of the Google resources, if you'd prefer that format and don't have access to interact with the Google resources. Instead of using the Companion Guide, you can simple take notes where it is best for your learning.

1 / Google Resources
Observation Data Collection Strategies - Google Doc​
Create Your Own Observation Checklist Form - Google Doc FCL
Likert Classroom Observation Tool - Google Doc
Glow and Grow Feedback Form - Google Doc
Mentoring Virginia Module 4 Reflection - Google Form
FCL = Forced Copy Link
2 / Video Resources
3 / PDFs
** Pre-Briefing and Post- Briefing Questions - PDF​
** these are PDF versions of the interactive Google Versions above
4 / Articles & Websites
Virginia Professional Teaching Standards- HLP Crosswalk - TTAC
Making Classroom Observations Matter - (ASCD)
Cooperating Teaching Training Resources - Teach Oregon
Five Research-based tips for Providing Students with Meaningful Feedback - Edutopia
HLP 8 & 22 Highlight - TTAC
Practice-Based Learning Opportunity - CEEDAR Center
The Art of Feedback - Article
5/ High Leverage Practices
Please see this full list for more HLP resources if you'd like to explore more